Just a reminder….

The 2024 VSTC Membership year will end on January 27th and the new 2025 membership year will begin January 28th.
We will host our Annual Membership Meeting and Officer Election on the last Monday of this month (January 27th) at 7 pm in the club house.  The club will provide sandwiches and chips during the meeting.
If you would like to renew your membership or if you are new and would like to purchase a membership, we will have club officers at the meeting that can help get you renewed/signed up.  If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may mail the application, waiver and a check payable to VSTC for your membership dues to the P.O. Box listed on the application.  If you are in need of rounds tickets you may purchase them at the meeting or at any of our fun shoots from any club officer.
Please note that after the meeting ends the gate codes will change and only those that have renewed will be issued the new gate code.
Membership dues for the 2025 year are $150 for a regular family membership that includes the member and their spouse and any kids under age 18.  The membership will run from Jan. 28th, 2025 to Jan. 26th, 2026.
Senior Citizens age 70 and over may purchase a Senior Membership for $75.  Young Adults age 18 to 25 may purchase a Young Adult Individual Membership for $100. (This is an individual membership only).
New members will need an orientation from one of our club officers before they will be issued a membership card with the gate code.
Members may purchase Rounds Tickets in books of 10 for $60 a book ($6 per round).  Members paying cash will need to pay the cash price of $8 per round.  Members may bring guests but they are responsible for making sure that their guest pays the Guest Rate of $10 per round.